Breastfeeding Interview with our Peer Counselor: Karah!

Check out our breastfeeding interview with one of our Peer Counselors: Karah!

Happy National Breastfeeding Month!!

karahHow long did you breastfeed for?
I breastfed for one year.

What did you think about breastfeeding before having your baby?
I was a little freaked out by the thought of having a baby on my breasts. When I became pregnant I decided to breastfeed for 6 months. After having my baby, and latching, I realized that it was very natural. The more I breast fed, the more I learned about breastfeeding and the more I enjoyed it.

If you could tell moms one tip based on your own experience with breastfeeding what would it be?
Don’t let other peoples’ comments or negativity effect your journey of breastfeeding with your baby. Hang on to the positive, encouraging words and moments. Most people that have something negative to say are most likely are not educated about breastfeeding. Say positive things to other breastfeeding moms whose paths you cross.

What was the hardest part about breastfeeding and how did you over come it?
The hardest part for me was not giving formula and trusting my body. My son was lower on the weight range. He got sick and his weight was effected. It was so hard to learn to trust my body and my milk. With the help of my son’s doctor and WIC , I learned that all babies are different. Also there are two different growth charts: one for formula fed babies and one for breastfed babies.

What was your favorite part of breastfeeding?
Watching my son grow on breastmilk. Knowing I did the best thing I could do for him. Knowing he was happy and healthy. Sharing a lifetime bond.

Any thing else you would like to add?
I love working with our clients and watching them grow as a family. I enjoy being able to be apart of their breastfeeding journey!

Thanks Karah! Don’t forget that you can call us at WIC with any breastfeeding questions, for encouragement, or for any help you might need! We are here for you!