How Long is “Too Long” When it Comes to Breastfeeding??

We live in a changing culture, but one that still can be skeptical of breastfeeding toddlers. Although many people have their own ideas about this subject, choosing when to wean is fully up to you and your baby. We at WIC are here to answer your questions and to support you in your breastfeeding journey!

my little angel

Did you know?

  • The Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies be breastfed for at least one year, or as long as mutually desirable.
  • According to La Leche League, the worldwide average for breastfeeding is between 4-5 years.
  • There is no “right time” to wean. The benefits of breastfeeding carry into childhood.
  • Weaning is a choice between you and your baby. Let us know if you have questions about weaning!

Benefits of breastfeeding toddlers:

  1. Bond between mother and child.
  2. Higher IQ for child.
  3. Stress relief.
  4. Decreased risk of disease.
  5. Stronger immune system for child.
  6. Great nutrition.
  7. Many more!