All about Antioxidants!

Have you heard the buzz word “antioxidant” lately? It is a pretty popular term these days.

But what exactly are “antioxidants” and how do they impact our families?

• Antioxidants are found in many of the foods we eat.
• Antioxidants help protect our healthy cells from damage & keep our bodies healthy.
• Antioxidants help our bodies fight off disease and infection.
• Antioxidants help protect our bodies from chronic diseases such as cancers & heart disease.

And the good news is:
You can find many foods with antioxidants in them at your local grocery store! Check out the list below of foods with antioxidants & try adding a few to your grocery list this week!

Foods With Antioxidants:
Tomatoes, Carrots, Spinach, Brussel Sprouts, Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Broccoli, Vegetable Oils, Whole Grains, Seeds, Nuts, Peanut Butter, Oranges, Apples, Blueberries, Grapefruit, Strawberries, Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, Broccoli, Potatoes, Dark Chocolate

Easy Ways to Add Antioxidants:
1. Fill half of your plate with colorful fruits & vegetables.
2. When buying fresh fruits & veggies, also buy “in-season” for a lower cost & more nutrition.
3. Don’t forget that you can buy frozen fruits & vegetables with your WIC checks all year long.
4. Keep a bowl of fresh fruits & veggies in easy access for snacking.
5. Use celebrations as an excuse to eat antioxidants! Continue reading for a Valentine’s recipe!

Since it is February, it is easy to celebrate Valentine’s Day with a burst of delicious antioxidants! Both strawberries & dark chocolate have antioxidants in them! Here is a delicious, antioxidant-filled recipe you can make for your entire family to enjoy!

Dark Chocolate Covered Strawberries:

1. 15-20 Fresh Strawberries
2. 1 Bag Dark Chocolate Chips

1. Wash strawberries for food safety. Allow fruit to fully dry.
2. In microwave safe bowl, melt dark chocolate chips. (Tip: stir chocolate chips every 30-40 seconds for best consistency).
3. Dip strawberries in melted dark chocolate and lay flat on parchment paper or aluminum foil to dry.
4. Refrigerate and enjoy!