Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by eating GREEN!

March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day!
Not only is it a great excuse to pull out our green clothes (and avoid getting pinched!) but it is also a great excuse to eat green foods too! In celebration of this fun holiday, here are a few fun facts about green leafy vegetables.

Did you know?
• Leafy greens are rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals which help fight disease!
• Leafy greens are full of fiber which helps with blood pressure, cholesterol, weight control, and constipation just to name a few!
• It is recommended to eat at least 5 servings of vegetables (including leafy greens) each day!
• During pregnancy our bodies need more iron. Leafy greens such as spinach can be good sourced of iron!
• Some leafy greens such as collards and kale are a good source of calcium! Calcium helps keep your bones and teeth strong (which is especially important for kids!) and can prevent osteoporosis.

Easy ways to get your family to eat leafy greens:
• Throw spinach into an easy smoothie. See recipe below!
• Add a side salad to dinner tonight! Have the kids help pick out what ingredients should be included (ex. berries, bell peppers, cheese, olives, etc.).
• Add spinach and cheese to scrambled eggs for breakfast.
• Include leafy greens in your family’s favorite casseroles.
• Switch out iceberg lettuce used for condiments on burgers, sandwiches, etc. for a “greener” option such as arugula or spinach.

Kid-Friendly Green Smoothie
Yields approximately 4 servings

1. 1/4 Cup low fat vanilla yogurt
2. Handful of green grapes (washed)
3. 1/2 Apple (washed & cut)
4. 1/2 Frozen banana (skin removed)
5. 1/2 Avocado (skin removed)
6. 1/3 Cup frozen spinach
7. 2 Leaves kale (stem removed)
8. 1/2 Orange (peeled)

1. Wash and peel all fresh ingredients.
2. Throw all ingredients into blender.
3. Blend ingredients until smooth consistency.
4. Enjoy!

*Feel free to substitute ingredients as desired.
*If smoothie is not frozen enough, add small amount of ice and blend.