Real life experience with breastfeeding! A must read interview!

We recently interviewed one of our favorite WIC Dietitians, Shelley, on her breastfeeding experience! Read below to hear her responses!

How long did you breastfeed for?
Currently breastfeeding 21 month old son.

What did you think about breastfeeding before having your baby?
I knew I wanted to breastfeed for at least one year. After hearing many stories from moms about the unique, special bond that bf created with their babies, I wanted to have that precious relationship with my baby, too! Also, I knew that breast milk would give my baby perfect, God-designed nutrition. I knew from talking with other moms that although breastfeeding is natural, it doesn’t always come naturally, so I knew in the back of my mind that challenges may come up and that was okay, though I had no idea what it would be like to actually experience them.

If you could tell mom’s one tip based on your experience with breastfeeding what would it be?
Listen to others, but consider the importance of your own motherly instincts, too. Sometimes “by the book” isn’t necessarily what’s best for you and your baby’s situation and may even keep you from finding the best solution.

What was the hardest part about breastfeeding and how did you overcome it?
Although rare, some babies react to food in their mother’s diets. From early on, my son would frequently cry after feedings and in general, seemed uncomfortable much of the time. I knew he was getting enough milk, as he was gaining weight well and having lots and lots of diapers. Through a process, we eventually learned that our little guy was sensitive to several major foods in my diet. The hardest part was the time spent trying to identify the source of his discomfort and the feelings of doubt that came along the way. Three “things” were really helpful for me to remember whenever we hit a rough patch or something unexpected: take it one feeding at a time, this too shall pass, and enjoy this time together because it’s over in the blink of an eye.

What has been your favorite part about breastfeeding?
The BOND! The BOND! The BOND! I have so many sweet memories and moments spent with just my son and me. There’s nothing like the feeling when his blue eyes lock with mine and he smiles as though he’s in his favorite place in the world.

I am 100% convinced that we would have experienced much more significant struggles with my son’s tummy issues had he been formula fed. Breast milk has literally helped complete the healthy development of his stomach and intestines and helped to decrease the risk for food allergy issues in the future! Also, the convenience of bf has been a wonderful. No extra “stuff” to remember, lug around, prepare, or clean.

I have such a huge sense of satisfaction looking back at all of the unexpected hurdles we overcame together as a team: unplanned C-section and medical complications for me, my son’s significant weight loss and jaundice following birth, figuring out comfortable latch/positioning and working through food/tummy issues…and the privilege of giving him only breast milk each step of the way. Each obstacle fades in comparison to the joy I feel in giving my son this amazing gift that will positively impact him for a lifetime!

Anything else you would like to add?
I’m thankful to all the moms I’ve met along the way who have been so willing to share honestly about their breastfeeding challenges and successes. Voices of those women echoed in my mind as a source of inspiration and encouragement during my bf experience and I believe made me more well-prepared to go through the hard parts. I know that not everyone has the benefit of working directly with breastfeeding moms, but we all have the ability to seek out information and resources that will help prepare us for our breastfeeding journey. To moms who have breastfed, share your story! You never know when it may encourage someone…like me!