Fight the Flu and Other Illnesses

It’s Handwashing Awareness Week!

Handwashing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs, which is especially important during flu season! We all probably learned how to wash our hands at a very young age, after all, it is a very simple way for people of all ages to stay healthy. Sometimes when we are in a rush, we might settle with rinsing our hands under running water or forget to wash our hands altogether. If handwashing isn’t done right, it doesn’t work!

Do you know the dos and don’ts of handwashing?

DO wet your hands thoroughly with clean, running water (warm or cold).

*Handwashing tip: Turn off the faucet after wetting your hands to save water.

DON’T use hot water to wash your hands – this causes “chapping” of your skin, which attracts germs.

DO apply mild soap to your hands and rub them together into a lather, for at least 20 seconds.

*Handwashing tip: Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.

DON’T spend extra money on anti-bacterial soap. Regular soap is just as good at getting the job done, and anti-bacterial soap can promote the growth of stronger, resistant germs.

DO lather all surfaces of your hands with soap, including the front and back of your hands, wrists, between fingers and under your nails.

DON’T run water over your hands while rubbing them together – this washes soap away that is needed to kill germs and clean dirty hands.

DO rinse your hands well under clean, running water.

*Handwashing tip: Keep your hands and forearms lower than your elbows to prevent the spread of dirty water.

DON’T touch the sink surface after washing your hands – this is a dirty place.

DO dry your hands with a clean towel (paper or cloth), use a dryer, or let them air dry.

*Handwashing tip: Use a paper towel to turn off the faucet – this is the first place dirty hands touch to get clean!

DON’T skip handwashing if soap and water aren’t available. Instead, use an alcohol-based hand rub that contains at least 60% alcohol!

*Handwashing tip: Alcohol-based hand rubs do NOT get rid of all types of germs. Whenever available, use soap and water to clean your hands!

Hand Washing Fight Flu Weld County WIC Colorado

Remember to wash your hands after touching any areas that may be home to germs, including your eyes, nose, and mouth. Avoid touching these areas as soon as you are done washing your hands. Let’s all do our part in keeping ourselves and each other healthy this flu season by washing our hands!
